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  • Laura

Soulful Adventures in the Alps

Here’s a little recap on a solo trip I took in June 2022. I had the best of intentions and drafted a blog post on my way home, but neglected to finish and post it. It’s funny to see how much my perspective has changed since writing it, after more time has passed since the 2 years when travel became so rare. It’s been a long time since I wrote about travel, so let’s dust off this old travel blog, even if it is to post about a trip from 8 months ago. Here goes!

It feels so good to be back out in the world, seeing its expansiveness and beauty, meeting people, and having a diversity of experiences. I had the pleasure of participating in a week-long wellness retreat in Megève, a town in the French Alps, which was rich with soulful adventures every day.

Yoga, a practice integral to my life and well-being. Hiking, being immersed in nature and feeling my beating heart as we trekked through forests and up mountainsides on grassy trails and sometimes mud after or during rainfall. And Megève, a historic chic ski town in the French Alps, a new discovery for me. The perfect combination to allow me to feel renewed and alive after 2+ years of you-know-what.

We were a small intimate group. Aminata (@aminatastbarthwellness on Instagram) was our leader, my beloved yoga teacher whom I met in St Barth’s in 2017, and have practiced with via Zoom since the beginning of Covid. Her soulful mamma joined us, as well as a sweet English/American gal. Our group quickly found harmony, ease and joy in each other’s company.

Each day began with 6:30am journaling with lemon ginger tea and yoga from 7:00-8:30am. Most days we practiced yoga in the new yoga dome installed at Four Seasons Megève, the resort where we stayed. There was typically a chill in the air that early in the morning, so Aminata had us moving and working our bodies to generate some heat.

Each day, after we enjoyed a nourishing plant-based, gluten/dairy/sugar-free breakfast, we ventured out for a 2-3 hour hike. We did a different hiking trail each day in the region, including Les Avenières, Lac Javen, La Petite Ravine et Beauregard Côté Jaillet and Le Leutellet. Some of these provided a view of the renowned Mont Blanc, and they all offered breathtaking views of sweeping mountainsides, pastures, and skies that were sometimes brilliant blue and other times moody with many shades of grey.

On one particular hike, we came across several fields of grazing cows, all wearing cowbells that made a symphony of jangles & clangs with their movements. When I said "more cowbell!", my bad joke was lost on my audience who apparently have not watched enough SNL (especially our hiking guide who only spoke French). Cowbells are common here to ensure dairy farmers can locate their animals on wide alpine pastures with many areas obstructed from view. We learned from our guide (thanks to Aminata's translation to English) that the cows we encountered on this hike are farmed for the production of Reblochon cheese, a soft French cheese made only in this region. Our retreat was strictly dairy free, but on our final day, we walked into town for a "cheat lunch" at Flocons Village and a trip to the fromagerie for some Reblochon. It was the consistency of a very soft brie, but with a much stronger nutty flavour.

Sometimes when I talk about the retreat offering a plant-based menu it seems to conjure images of light meals that leave you feeling hungry and craving protein and fat. However, this was not at all the case. Every single meal prepared for our group by the talented chefs at the Four Seasons Megève was outstanding, bursting with different flavours, and never leaving me hungry (quite the opposite!). I even resisted the pain-au-chocolates on the breakfast buffet without too much temptation!

On one particular day, Aminata had planned quite the adventure for us - a helicopter tour of Mont Blanc! Not for the faint of heart, but an experience of a lifetime.

Being so close to the majestic tip of that mountain was terrifying and yet it took my breath away with its vast beauty. I can’t think of a time I felt smaller or more humbled.

It felt so good to be free in the world again and to bond with a group of wonderful people. And I truly cannot wait to visit Megève again. Likely next time I’ll go in winter and bring my skis and enjoy the apres ski. Until then, a piece of my heart remains in that adorable chic village and the Alps that watch over it.

It’s good to be back,

Laura ✈️✍️

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Mar 25, 2023


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