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  • Laura

From Big City Vibe to Chill Vibe

Updated: Apr 6, 2019

We are on the move! We checked out of our hotel in Bangkok at 7am and headed to the airport for our flight to Chiang Mai. We said goodbye to our guide and new friend Malee who was so kind to us during our time in Bangkok and took really good care of us. The flight to Chiang Mai was just over an hour and went smoothly, and our hotel was an easy 15 minute drive.

When we were greeted at our new hotel ("Sawadee Kha" always delivered with a soft voice and a bow) and offered a refreshing drink, we noticed a very different vibe than we had grown accustomed to in Bangkok. Especially since we were always on the go, up early, taking boats, trains, tuk tuks, taxis, vans and walking from one adventure to the next. I suddenly became aware that it was time to slow down, relax, and settle into a completely new experience. Our hotel is beautiful and serene and the vibe is very chill. There is a beautiful pool with a giant "rain tree" in the backdrop.

Jennifer and I had different agendas this afternoon. While Jennifer took the opportunity to relax by the pool, I attended a prescheduled private session with a monk at Wat Suan Dok, a temple and also the location of MCU Buddhist University.

They call them "Monk Chats", an informal talk with a monk where you can learn about the life of a monk, Thai culture and traditions, Buddhism and meditation. From my training in mindfulness and yoga in recent years I was eager for the opportunity to gain the perspective of a monk on some of my learnings and questions. The experience was insightful, validating, and pleasant. We talked for two hours straight, in a very two way fashion although I was the one asking questions. After two hours when I thanked him for his time, I think he actually wanted me to stay and keep talking to him! He was quite young (25 I think) and still a student, with a curious mind. Mid way when I thanked him for his time and for sharing his views, he shared that he too was learning from the conversation. It was refreshing to see what an open mind he brought to the experience.

I found simply thinking in advance about what I wanted to ask him an interesting thought process in itself. What would you ask a monk? Like me, you might find you already know the answers, but the questions are a tool for going deeper, and for validating what you are learning and thinking by hearing similar messages from different sources. In simplest terms, what you learn from talking to a monk is that Buddhism is not a religion, it is a philosophy, a way of living to create peace and happiness.

After our chat I walked around the grounds, and then hopped in a taxi. In Chiang Mai taxis are red covered pickup trucks where you sit on benches in the back. Multiple customers may ride together, being picked up and dropped off at different locations.

Shortly after I returned Jennifer and I headed out for dinner. We went to Service 1921, a restaurant in what used to be the British Consulate. The atmosphere was very nice, reminiscent of early 1900s Britain (in a fun way, not stuffy), and the service was very friendly and hospitable. Since they knew from our prior correspondence regarding the reservation that we were travelling in celebration of Jennifer's birthday, they surprised us after dinner with birthday cake, and two of the staff delivered it to the table singing Happy Birthday. It made for an extra special evening.

After dinner our waitress gave us a tour of the restaurant to show us all the different rooms showcasing the history of the former British Consulate. It even has a secret door from the library into what was the bedroom. Very cool!

Overall it was nice to slow down a bit today, shift into a chill vibe, and begin to become acquainted with Northern Thailand.

Wishing everyone peace and happiness. ✌😊

Laura & Jennifer ❤❤

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Apr 04, 2019

sounds like fun!

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