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  • Laura

A New Beginning

Every day is a new beginning. Every year is a new beginning.

Today also happens to be an ending. An end to a year that has brought many challenges. Many of those challenges will follow us into 2021. Today we are bowing to 2020, thanking it for its gifts and lessons, and welcoming 2021 as a new beginning with open arms, hearts and minds.

My year started out strong with adventure, exploration and, well… privilege (one of 2020’s lessons). First, a trip to Costa Rica for a yoga retreat led by my dear friend Lori at her and Francesco’s beautiful retreat centre, Mystica. Reconnecting with Lori, a childhood playmate, is one of 2020’s gifts to me.

Then a long weekend trip to Paris with Matt for my birthday to see OneRepublic in concert at a special venue. Those days flowed with freedom and joy.

Then came the British Virgin Islands, at first with myself, Matt and the girls, later joined by Mom & Dad and Bill & Riley. We sailed on crystal blue seas to a new island every day. This time was magical, except for the looming fears and uncertainties of a global pandemic. The question of ‘should we go home?’ cast a shadow that had us all feeling a little unsettled. But we stayed and enjoyed every minute we had left there.

And then we came home to what would be the rest of 2020 – staying home, and living in a world of isolation, wearing masks, using hand sanitizers, lining up for groceries, no hugs with friends and family, and a longing for so many things we used to take for granted. But also, an appreciation for simple things that beg no attention yet reveal wonder and joy.

We were forced to slow down. Like REALLY slow down. Many days I walked to the lake – to watch the sun rise, to watch the sun set, to sit with something so peaceful, so majestic; something so much bigger than my daily life, something permanent. I brought the girls and watched them climb on the rocks and skip stones across the water. I watched the sparkles of light as the sun’s rays bounced off the ripples of the lake. I saw grey skies, pink skies, pale blue skies that nearly concealed the horizon, and brilliant blue skies. One day the lake was particularly calm and peaceful, and the very next day it was stirring with large energetic waves.

I think before I might have described the waves as “violent” or “angry”. I might have wished the lake was peaceful and calm as it had been the day before. But it was what it was, at its place in time, in its rhythm with the surrounding elements, and its cycle in nature and life. What does that have to do with me?? I’m simply an observer, who is fortunate enough to be alive today and living so close to this beautiful wonder. It was here long before me, and will continue on long after I’m gone. Some days will be calm and peaceful, some will be more energetic. Some days the sky will be brilliant, others it will be dull. That’s just how it is. It’s beautiful, and it’s a lesson to not need things to be a certain way in order to be happy, especially the things we cannot change.

Another one of my gifts of 2020 is the time with Matt, April & Fiona. We have spent time together that our busy lives did not afford. I cherish the closeness that we have developed and will take that into 2021 with me.

2020 will be the year we learned nothing should be taken for granted, nothing can be assumed to be present or the same tomorrow. I hope one day soon we will be able to hug our friends and family again, to have dinner parties, go to bustling restaurants, live concerts, to not wear masks, nor have to stay six feet away from everyone we encounter. I never could have imagined this world a year ago, nor would I have thought I could endure it, nor appreciate lessons from it.

And yes, 2020 will also be the year we made sourdough.

We painted rocks, played charades, cribbage, did puzzles, went for lots of walks and hikes, made souffle and pavlovas, homemade pasta, endless pizzas, and danced in the rain. We spent countless hours in our backyard having picnics, bonfires, watching movies, playing badminton, horseshoes and jenga, and visiting with friends and family.

We sailed, waterskied, swam, tubed behind Papa’s boat, golfed, SUP’ed, kayed, we even got a new canoe.

We made tic tocks. Matt tried making clear ice.

We nursed a baby bird who fell out of its nest until it could fly away with its mamma.

We took a staycation to Langdon Hall in Cambridge.

Along the way I broke my ankle playing tennis. And weeks later Matt had ankle replacement surgery. We were a pair!

I wrote a chapter in a book! That was fun.

I got properly dressed up for Halloween for the first time since I was a kid.

We celebrated Fiona’s 10th and April’s 13th birthdays.

We celebrated the Winter Solstice.

We went for a hike on Christmas day with my family and threw lots of snowballs.

And yes, 2020 will be the year we Zoomed! Yoga, workouts, dance classes, cooking classes, birthday dinners, cocktail hours and family gatherings.

Here is our wild and simple year in all its glory.

I sincerely hope 2021 gives us all the opportunity to go back to “normal”, but that I, and everyone, have the wisdom to apply everything our eyes and hearts have been opened to. That we create a new normal for ourselves, for everyone else, our fragile planet, and future generations who will never know our old normal.

Amidst the energetic waves of the current time, we found peace and joy riding those waves. Tomorrow will be what it will be. But we look forward to calm waters with brilliant skies. And hugs!!

Only Love,

Laura (Matt, April & Fiona)


PS-If you're looking for some new music, I made a couple of playlists (on Spotify). One in honour of 2020, and a second that says "we're ready for you 2021!".

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Caden Grande

2021 is going to be amazing!



Goodbye 2020! Hello 2021!

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