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  • April

Guana Island

Today we sailed from Jost Van Dyke to Guana Island. It took about two hours sailing time. On the way we read our books and ate lunch. We also saw a dolphin! I was in my room when Fiona yelled “Dolphin!”. I ran up the stairs and outside with my pants half on and there was a dolphin swimming beside our boat! It was so cool.

When we arrived at Guana Island we stopped to admire the teal ocean. Then we took the dingy to shore and enjoyed the secluded beach. Griffin and I played beach games. Then we all took a walk down the beach and found dead sea urchins and a bunch of cool coral and shells.

When we got back to the boat we watched the sun set and had fish tacos for dinner. Today was so cool! (It was not actually cool as in cold, it was really hot).

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