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  • Writer's pictureMatt

"Today Was a Great Day"

We woke up today moored off White Bay Beach at Jost Van Dyke, one of our favorite places in the world, and decided to just soak it up all day! We started with our traditional morning swim around the boat and a nice breakfast. Then it was off to the beach where Laura did yoga and we all relaxed in beach chairs outside Soggy Dollar while the kids read and played.

After a great Soggy Dollar lunch on the beach, Laura, Patti, Mark and I left the kids reading on the beach and we walked down to our long-time favorite spot on White Bay, Seddy’s One Love bar. Laura and I have pictures of us in front of One Love going back to 2002 (if this sounds familiar it may be because we visited and blogged about it on Feb 27). Unfortunately, One Love was hit hard by Irma and while it is almost rebuilt, it is still not officially open. Luckily though, Seddy was there and when we asked if he was serving drinks, he said, “No! But you are – help yourself!” So I hopped back behind the bar, grabbed some cold Caribs out of the bar fridge, threw $20 into the white pail that is currently Seddy’s cash register, and we were officially drinking at One Love again.

Seddy disappeared out back where the hammering and sawing sounds of rebuilding continued. A little while later, another group wandered in looking confused by the half-open state of the bar and lack of bartender. So I jumped behind the bar and bartended for them as well.

We brought the Diamonds here once before in 2015. On that day we signed a buoy "Today was a good day". Unfortunately post Irma that buoy is now gone. But Patti left a new mark on a fresh new bouy, "Today was a great day, The "Diaharts".

This was a day full of memories we'll always cherish. Spending an entire 24-hour day at White Bay Beach is highly recommended!

This is a good life!

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