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  • Laura

Happy Heavy Hearts

We started our day at the Bight with our morning rituals, including our swim around the boat. Our hearts were full of anticipation because today our friends the Diamonds would join us on the boat. But also, our hearts were a little heavy because today is the 3 year anniversary of the loss of our friend James. And here we were, at the Bight on Norman Island. To mark the occasion and honour his memory we took a quiet cruise around the harbour, I read a poem, and we all kissed a heart shaped rock Fiona had found and threw it in the water.

Then we cast off and set sail for Hodges Creek on Tortola (home base for Peace Out). It was a beautiful day for sailing and we were able to travel there in one straight shot without tacking. Docking back in Hodges Creek in a very tight spot was a bit of a nail biter but Matt handled it like a pro.

Having spent nearly two weeks on the boat with very little re-provisioning, we spent the afternoon doing housekeeping. The catamaran company cleaned the boat for us, refilled the water tanks, Matt & Fiona went to the laundromat on the east end and April & I went to the grocery store in Road Town. We got our third delivery from Good Moon Farm, and the beverage company delivered key essentials – water, beer, rum and gin! We were all put back together just in time for the Diamonds to arrive, which was a very happy occasion. We miss our family and friends very much, so it was a joy to see their smiling faces and exchange extra big hugs and kisses.

We settled in with some painkillers, and cooked seared tuna, coconut rice and salad while we enjoyed lots and lots of catching up. Tomorrow we will be back out on the water, on the next chapter of our journey as a crew of 8.

Peace & Love

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