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  • Writer's pictureMatt

Another Day in The Bight

It was a quiet day today in the Bight at Norman Island. We woke up, swam around the boat (this may be what I will miss the most when we eventually go back to reality), ate breakfast and the girls started school. One of Finn’s tasks was a scavenger hunt for examples of simple machines on the boat. If you are keeping score, she found a wheel, pulley, wedge, lever and a screw. She did not find an incline plane. April updated her blog. Meanwhile, I did some work troubleshooting a problem with one of the sails, and then the afternoon was play time.

Free from the constraints of work and school for the rest of the day, we hopped in the dingy and went to shore at Pirates Bight. We had fish tacos for lunch, the girls played in the sand and water forever as they do anytime they are left to their own devices at the beach.

Laura and I had a couple of cold drinks and then April, Finn and I went snorkeling along the shore line.

It is probably one of the easier spots you could ever snorkel and chock-a-block full of marine life. We saw a ton of different species of brightly-colored tropical reef fish, a skate, anemones, urchins, coral and some type of flat fish that looked like a sole or flounder but was too small and blue to be either.

After snorkeling, we hopped back in the dingy and headed back to Peace Out. April and Fiona wanted dingy driving lessons so we booted around the harbor for another 30 minutes with the girls taking turns at the helm of our 15 hp inflatable landing craft. Being cottagers and sailors, they were both naturals.

It was another great day!

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