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  • Laura

Pura Vida

Today we left Costa Rica with mixed emotions – sad to leave a place we have grown to love so much over the past 5+ weeks, but excited to begin the next phase of our family adventures. We take with us many treasured memories and lessons from this beautiful country. Our favorites memories include releasing baby sea turtles to the ocean (Matt), surfing (April), zip lining (Fiona), and simply bicycling through the town of Pavones with a full heart (Laura). We all agree the most valued lesson from Costa Rica is the lifestyle and attitude of “Pura Vida”.

When life is good, and when it’s tough, and when it’s plain and simple, it is pure… “Pure Life”. With this outlook on life, we spend less time and energy seeking pleasure, and avoiding pain or the things we don’t like. We are kind to ourselves, patient, appreciative and present with the simple pleasures of life, and we radiate positive energy for the people around us. We slow down, notice things with greater curiosity, smile and laugh. We don’t wait for the next thing, or wish time away, we simply enjoy the moment, whatever it is.

It’s uncanny how relevant this is to the very crux of what I learned through my yoga training – the delight of simply being. Costa Rica truly is a remarkably suitable place to immerse yourself in yoga, where I learned to embace that:

“Yoga is not about the shape of your body;

but the shape of your life."

Pura Vida ❤️

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