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  • Writer's pictureMatt

Surfing Pavones

April had another surfing lesson today and Finn and I played on the beach and sent the drone out to get a few shots. At some point we will pull together some video and figure out a way to post it online but in the meantime, still-actions taken from the video is what you get to see on the blog.

So far, the surf in Pavones has been incredibly consistent. If you hit the beach at low tide, no matter how flat the water looks, every couple of minutes a 2-3 foot set will roll through that breaks long and slow for an easy ride. April took full advantage of the break today. After two solid hours of surfing, we dragged ourselves home for a quick lunch and then off to the Shooting Star Yoga Studio for a drop-in class that turned out to be a private class for the three of us since no one else dropped in today. Amy Khoo (our surf instructor, yoga teacher and all around ambassador to Pavones) took it easy on us with a lot of stretching and minimal chaturangas!

After yoga, April said, "I have decided I am never surfing for two hours and then going to a yoga class again". Seemed like a sound decision. She looks like she is going to sleep well tonight!

Laura taught her first yoga class last night and is teaching her second one as I type this blog tonight. I will leave it to her to write about it but the girls and I are incredibly excited and proud. Seeing the amount of work she has put in over the past three weeks has been both inspiring and vicariously exhausting!


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