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  • Writer's pictureMatt

Home Sweet Home

We woke up in Uvita to heavy rain, but that didn’t stop the girls from having fun swimming in the pool. We checked out of our hotel and started the rest of our journey to Pavones. But first we drove to Dominical, the type of surf hipster beach town we all dream about, to load up on supplies at Mama Toucan, the organic grocery store (which is really the size of a convenience store but well stocked with most things we were looking for). We had a nice lunch with beers and smoothies next door, then we were on our way. We stopped at a fruit stand on the side of the road for pineapple, mangos, watermelon and oranges (we think?). The drive to Pavones became more and more, let’s say “adventurous” the further south we got (if you know the Murphy cottage, imagine SPL Rd for 3 hours and the Orimat Rd for 1.5 but with single lane bridges without guardrails). We are here now and settled into our temporary home in the very small, quaint, remote town of Pavones. We cooked our first dinner here and the girls had a dip in our mini swimming pool. We look forward to exploring the town tomorrow (a small market, a couple of restaurants and a surf shop) and the Saturday market. Then Laura begins yoga on Sunday.  

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