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  • Writer's pictureMatt

Oh Lordy, That Hill!

We could say a lot about our day, but let's start with the hill. We ventured on a walk to see the market, the beach, the supermarket, and to scope out my daily walk to the yoga studio. Let's just say the walk involves a long, VERY steep hill. We were like Chevy Chase in National Lampoon's Vacation by the time we arrived at the yoga studio - hot, sweaty, out of breath and out of water! And yes, Matt even took his shirt off and wrapped it around his head. ;) Doing it at the hottest time of day didn't help! I am either going to be in the best shape of my life doing that walk every day or I'm going to die on that hill.

We enjoyed the sense of accomplishment, but we especially enjoyed coming home to our adorable house and cooling off in our adorable pool. Isn't it cute?

Fiona's favorite part of our day was picking fruit from the trees on our property and playing with the property owners' cat Lambert.

He likes her so much he visited again later in the day and plopped himself right down on her journal while she was writing in it.

Matt's favorite part of our day was visiting the beach. We only stayed long enough to splash our feet in the waves this time, but he can't wait to settle into some nice beach days and see if he still knows how to surf.

I enjoyed the simple pleasures of hanging out with my family today with nowhere we had to be, nothing we had to do. Pura vida as they say in Costa Rica. Tomorrow it's Namaste for me - yoga training begins!

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