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Monkeying Around

Today was an uneventful day, which we needed after yesterday! By the way, did we mention that last night, in the quiet seclusion of...

Big Swell

You may have seen in the news that there is a big Nor’easter off the coast of New England. Well, it is big enough to affect the...

Birthday Vibes

As birthdays go, this one was pretty special. I couldn't ask for anything more. We woke up (in Spanish Town, Virgin Gorda) to beautiful...

The Baths

April: Today we sailed to The Baths on Virgin Gorda. Once we got there we took the dingy closer to swim in. Dad and Fiona led the swim,...

Full Moon, Full Hearts

Fiona: Today I woke up and Do was about to cook breakfast so I helped. Well I actually did all of it. I made a frittata and chopped up...

Settling In

New routine. Wake up, put on your bathing suit, dive into the ocean and swim a lap around the boat. Great way to start the day for the...

One and Only Love

Where to start? We ate a breakfast of eggs, fresh fruit and coffee on the boat and then weighed anchor (dropped the mooring ball) at...

Sail Away

Sailing! We woke up on the boat today docked in Hodges Creek Marina. First order of business was breakfast and then a boat briefing...

To the British Virgin Islands

We flew from Miami to St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands on a nice big 737 this morning. Then we checked in for our 15 minute flight...

Buddhas and Bellinis

There's always something going on in Miami! This time it's the South Beach Wine & Food Festival. Loews is hosting several of the events,...

Mojitos and Macarons

(Still catching up...) Today (Friday) we, along with my parents Do & Papa, checked into Loews Miami Beach Hotel for the weekend. We...

Castaway Cay

(Sorry we are a little behind on the blog) Today (Thursday) was our day at Castaway Cay, Disney's very own island in the Bahamas. The...

Ahoy Mate!

We embarked on the Disney Magic Cruise ship on Sunday, February 18, all 13 of us. Holy culture shock (LOL)! The beauty of this trip...

Pura Vida

Today we left Costa Rica with mixed emotions – sad to leave a place we have grown to love so much over the past 5+ weeks, but excited to...

Natural Wonders

The family adventure on our last full day in Costa Rica was a 4km hike to the Nauyaca Waterfalls in Dominical. It was a challenging hike...

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho...

Nothing very exciting today, especially compared to the past few days! After breakfast we said goodbye to La Paloma Lodge and got in the...


(Granny, cover your eyes, you might not want to read this one!) We had an awesome day soaring through the treetops of the rain forest on...

Monkeys & Macaws & Sloths, Oh My!

If you ever have an opportunity to take a guided tour through Corcovado National Park on the Osa Peninsula, GO! We had the opportunity to...

Buzzing & Galloping

Last night (Saturday) we had a night tour with the locally famed Bug Lady. Today we took it easy and did some horseback riding along the...

Farewell Pavones

After four weeks we bid farewell to Pavones and began our journey to Drake Bay. We will miss the raw beauty of the beaches and the...

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