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Yamas From Greece

Yesterday we traveled from Praiano in the Amalfi Coast to Naples, where we met up with Bill and Riley at the airport and flew to Preveza,...

At Home in Praiano

With today being our last day in the Amalfi Coast, and in Italy, it was time to slow down, enjoy our villa, and get organized for...

Lady Gaga in Capri

Today was the Amalfi Coast by sea. We chartered a beautiful Itama 38 name "Gaga" with a local skipper, Alfonzo. The boat is an Italian...

You Had Me At Ravello

Today we fell in love again, this time with Ravello. What a charming and beautiful slice of Italy! Where Rome is bustling, crowded and...

Only Love for Positano

Today was the day we all fell in love with Positano. But not in a hurry. We allowed ourselves a lazy morning with a bit of a sleep-in,...

Wonder and Joy

Today we had only a couple of hours in Rome before it was time to pack our bags and catch a train. We decided we would go back to the...

Father’s Day at the Colosseum

This morning I woke up to two excited girls who wanted to make Father's Day special even though we were in a hotel room in Rome. They...

When In Rome

On the road again destined for more family adventures! This time our destinations are Italy and Greece. Italy has been at the top of our...

Same Same, But Different

One of the many things we enjoyed about Thai culture was the expression "Same Same". At first we thought it was only our guide who said...

Soaking it Up

We woke up this morning, the day our long journey home would later begin, with mixed feelings. This place is so beautiful it's difficult...

Beauty Everywhere

Today we hired a longtail boat for the morning and visited Hong Island, a tiny island about 40 minutes northwest of Railay Beach in the...

Happy Everything

(This post is co-written by Jennifer & Laura) We woke up today eager to fill our tummies, and excited like a kid on Christmas to explore...

The Day of Unknowns

At the beginning of today the only thing we knew was that at the end of the day we were going to be on a beautiful beach in Krabi, in the...

Enormous Day

If you followed our blog during our extended travels early last year, you may remember our reference to Enormous Day. Well today was...

The Gems of Northern Thailand

Today we laced up our sneakers and headed out for a day exploring some of the natural gifts Northern Thailand has to offer. Our first...

From Big City Vibe to Chill Vibe

We are on the move! We checked out of our hotel in Bangkok at 7am and headed to the airport for our flight to Chiang Mai. We said goodbye...

Exploring our Comfort Zone

The morning started early as we were being picked up at 7am, and wanted to make sure we had time for one of our favorite parts of the...

Bangkok in a Day

Today was a whirlwind tour of Bangkok. But first it started with a challenge - sleep! In spite of a very long day yesterday and going to...

Sisters Traveling Together

My latest journey began yesterday at the Toronto airport where I met Jennifer for our departure to Thailand for a sisterhood adventure to...

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